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Biden resurrects suspect story about kudos from Amtrak conductor


President Joe Biden used his one-on-one meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Tuesday to reprise a story about an Amtrak conductor who supposedly congratulated him for traveling 2 million miles on the rail service — despite having died before the story purportedly took place.

After Biden noted that Johnson had traveled from New York to Washington, DC on Amtrak for their White House meeting, he proclaimed to Johnson and the assembled media that “I got to tell you a quick story that has nothing to do with anything.”

The president began by recalling that when he was Vice President, “the Secret Service didn’t like me traveling on Amtrak because there were too many options for people to cause trouble along the way. But I insisted I do it.”

“One day,” Biden continued, “they put in the newspaper: ‘Biden travels one million …’ — and I think — don’t hold me to the exact number — I think it was — ‘ … three hundred and fifty thousand miles on Air Force Two.”

When Biden went to get the train home to Delaware that Friday, he continued, he was greeted by “a guy, who was the number three guy from New Jersey in seniority as a conductor, [who] walked up and grabbed me and he goes like this: ‘Joey, baby!’ [and] grabs my cheek. I thought the Secret Service was going to shoot him.” Read More

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